product design
Product design Industrial design points プロダクトデザイン 工業デザインのポイント
Product design The point of industrial design is not only the design of
individual products, but also the design strategy of the lineup. What kind
of design strategy should you use, such as different models, different
user targets, and different uses? Branding is an important point, including
promotions (selling methods) and packaging. This homepage will introduce
only a small part. We also support lineup strategies and branding strategies.
プロダクトデザイン 工業デザインのポイントは製品単体のデザインだけではなく、ラインナップのデザイン戦略が重要なポイントとなります。機種の違いやユーザーターゲット、用途の違いなど、どのようなデザイン戦略にするのか?
Design Profile Product Design Overview: Introducing Initiatives in New Product Design Development
デザイン プロファイル
プロダクト デザインの概要:新商品のデザイン開発における取り組みのご紹介
introduction examples of product design by item.項目別でプロダクトデザインの事例紹介いたします。
Medical machinery 医療用機械器具
Drip flow measuring device 点滴流量測定器
Non-contact thermometer 非接触体温計
Surgical medical hand tool 手術医療用ハンドツール
Prosthesis with electric assist 電動アシスト付き義足
Medical diagnostic equipment 医療診断装置
Prosthesis cover 義足カバー
Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc.医薬品、化粧品など
Deodorants 化粧品容器 プチプライス
Cosmetic container for men 化粧品容器 男性用
Luxury perfume bottle for women 女性用高級香水瓶
Home appliances家電系
Kitchen tool flyer キッチンツール フライヤー
Recording camera tripod for sports スポーツ用記録カメラ三脚
Mobile phone case 携帯電話ケース
rice cooker 炊飯器
toaster トースター
Hair dryer ヘアードライヤー
Cordless steam iron コードレススチームアイロン
USB rechargeable driver USB 充電式ドライバー
Outside light lamp 外灯ランプ
Rechargeable impact driver 充電式インパクトドライバー
Braided USB cable regional revitalization 組みひもUSBケーブル 地域活性化
Overhead headphones オーバーヘッドヘッドホン
Inner earphone インナーイヤーフォン
Kitchen utensils mixer キッチン用品 ミキサー
Electric pot 電気ポット
Serving robot 配膳ロボット
Laser cutting machine レーザー切削機
Bluetooth speaker ブルートゥーススピーカー
Hair dryer ヘアードライヤー
Overhead headphones for sports スポーツ用オーバーへットヘッドホン
Wristband type terminal リストバンド型端末
Coffee drop コーヒードロップ
electric toothbrush 電動歯ブラシ
Miscellaneous goods 雑貨系
Mug マグカップ
Bag カバン
Sports system スポーツ系
shoes シューズ
Golf head ゴルフヘッド
others その他
bicycle 自転車
Helmet ヘルメット
Dining chair ダイニングチェア
Kitchen tool flyer product design キッチンツール フライヤー プロダクトデザイン
New development case introduction Maker N company Product design, kitchen
tool design work. From market trend analysis and modeling trend analysis,
easy-to-use shape and interface design. The material of the housing uses
a metallic hairline. An easy-to-clean touch panel was used for the operation
panel. The top lid has a shape that keeps it smooth and easy to clean.
新規開発事例紹介 メーカーN社様 プロダクトデザイン、キッチンツールのデザインワーク。市場トレンド分析、造形のトレンド分析から、使い易い形やインターフェースのデザイン。筐体の素材は金属調ヘアーラインを使用。操作パネルには掃除のしやすいタッチパネルを使用した。天面の蓋は平滑性をキープして掃除のしやすい形状です。
Deodorant appearance product design 消臭剤 外観 プロダクトデザイン
New development project maker M company Product design Branding Logo design
The housing is made of paper, but it is a design that creates a sense of
luxury by the texture and shape that does not make you feel paper.
新規開発案件メーカーM社様 プロダクトデザイン ブランディング ロゴデザイン 筐体は紙製ですが、紙を感じさせない質感によるものと形状により高級感を演出したデザインです。
Recording camera tripod for sports スポーツ用記録カメラ三脚
product design Newly developed product maker C Designed as a sports tripod
system. We have developed a mechanism that allows a 1.4m high tripod to
extend to a height of 7.2m, and developed support members and structures
to record stable images, reflecting the branding and concept.
プロダクトデザイン新規開発商品 メーカーC社様 スポーツ用三脚システムとしてデザイン。1.4m高の三脚が7.2m高まで伸びる機構を開発、安定した画像を録画できるようサポート部材や構造を開発、ブランディングとコンセプト反映させました。
Mobile phone case 携帯電話ケース
Product design, introduction of new development cases Collaboration with
material maker K company Product design, material proposal and modeling
development assistance. Mobile phone stand case. Product development and
sales promotion. Industrial design: Material maker The cover and body are
attached by magnets, and the cover stands Will be. This product for the
Japanese market. Comfortable and comfortable leather synthetic leather.
By the cover has a magnet, it can be installed on an iron surface such
as a refrigerator. Sales promotion through cloud funding in collaboration
with synthetic leather manufacturers. In charge of industrial design, brand,
and promotion direction in this project. From user research, awareness
survey, market research, trend analysis, new product development, design,
prototype processing technology From, material usage proposals, production,
mass production start-up support, concept work, total support for new market
expansion, patented
プロダクトデザイン、新規開発事例紹介 素材メーカーK社様とのコラボ プロダクトデザイン、素材提案と造形開発のお手伝い 携帯電話スタンドケース 製品開発と販売促進
工業デザイン:素材メーカー カバーと本体が磁石でくっつき、カバーが スタンドになります。日本の市場にむけての製品。心地よい手触りの良いレザーの合皮。カバーに磁石が付いている為、
冷蔵庫のような、鉄の面に設置でします。 合皮メーカー様とのコラボにより、クラウドファンドィングで販売促進 当プロジェクトでは工業デザイン及びブランド、プロモーションのディレクションを担当
ユーザーリサーチ、意識調査、市場調査、トレンド分析から、新商品開発、設計、試作 加工技術から、素材使い方提案 さらに生産、量産の立上サポート、コンセプトワークから、新規市場拡大のトータル的な支援、特許取得済み
Bicycle design is functional beauty In addition, functional beauty requires
modeling that "runs regularly, moves, and feels fast."
It expresses the image of cutting the wind. The saddle is equipped with
a tail lamp, which shines to promote harmony with technology. Comprehensive
support including design, product planning, research up to development,
market research, design trends, design, prototyping, product development,
production and sales consulting, public relations activities, and verification
of distribution channels.プロダクトデザイン 自転車 自転車のデザインは機能美 また、機能美ということで「規則正しく走り、動く、速いを感じる」造形が必要です。風を切るイメージを表現しています。
Rechargeable impact driver充電式インパクトドライバー
It is a product design of a convenient electric screwdriver that can be
charged by USB. Tools are very attached tools. It is important to have
reliable and heavy metal materials, functions and designs as well as ease
of use. When working, the ring-shaped part at the tip of the main body
is illuminated by LED light, making it an easy-to-use tool.
プロダクトデザイン USB充電式電動ドライバー USBで充電できる便利な電動ドライバーのプロダクトデザインです。工具は非常に愛着の湧く道具です。
そこには使い易さはもちらん、信頼性ある重厚な金属の素材と機能、デザインを備えることが重要です。 作業する際には本体先端のリング状の部分からLED光により照射され、使い易い道具になります。
Rice cooker 炊飯器
It is a design that makes you feel at ease in your life, has a strong presence,
but does not insist too much. It means a calm image. Comprehensive support
including design, product planning, research up to development, market
research, design trends, design, prototyping, product development, production
and sales consulting, public relations activities, and verification of
distribution channels.
プロダクトデザイン 炊飯器 工業デザイン 生活の中に安らぎを感じる、存在感はありつつ、あまり主張しないデザインです。落ち着いたイメージという意味です。
デザインや商品企画、開発に入るまでの調査、市場調査、デザイントレンドから、設計、試作、商品開発、さらに生産、 販売に関するコンサルティング、広報活動、流通経路等の検証も含め、総合的な支援。
Overhead headphonesオーバーヘッドヘッドホン
Material is an important point in headphone product design. Since it is
worn all the time, it will be easy to use by incorporating leather and
comfortable breathable fibers. We provide comprehensive support from planning
and development research, market research, design trends, to design, prototyping,
product development, consulting related to production and sales, public
relations activities, and verification of distribution channels.ヘッドホンデザイン
プロダクトデザイン:ヘッドホンのプロダクト デザインは素材が重要なポイントです。 何時も身に着けるものですので革や心地よい通気性のある繊維を取入れる事により、使い易い製品になります。
企画、開発に入るまでの調査、市場調査、デザイントレンドから、設計、試作、商品開発、さらに生産、販売に 関するコンサルティング、広報活動、流通経路等の検証も含め、総合的にご支援いたします。
Headphones Product design Monotone color and simple modeling Recently,
various shapes have become popular in terms of modeling (design), but I'm
tired of seeing various shapes. What is the true essence of luxury? Isn't
the real luxury of what you use and wear every day is Monolith Tech? The
meaning of monolithic means "scraped out what you don't need."
In other words, it means easy to use and simple. Immutable things must
always have a monolithic design. I keep in mind such a design. Comprehensive
support including design, product planning, research up to development,
market research, design trends, design, prototyping, product development,
production and sales consulting, public relations activities, and verification
of distribution channels.
ヘッドホン プロダクトデザイン モノトーンカラーとシンプルな造形 昨今、造形的(デザイン)に色々な形が流行ってますが、色々な形を見飽きてしまいましたね。
本当の高級感の本質とは何でしょうか?毎日、使うもの、身にまとうものは本当の高級感はモノリステックではないでしょうか? モノリスティクという意味は「要らないものを削ぎとった」という意味です。つまり、使い易くシンプルという意味になります。
不変なものは何時もモノリスティクなデザインでなければなりません。そのようなデザインを心がけています。 デザインや商品企画、開発に入るまでの調査、市場調査、デザイントレンドから、設計、試作、商品開発、さらに生産、販売に関するコンサルティング、広報活動、流通経路等の検証も含め、総合的な支援。
Helmetヘルメット product design
Blessed streamlined design Equipped with sunglasses in the front and tail
lamp in the rear Brake and link Planning, research until development, market
research, design trends, design, trial production, product development,
and further production , We provide comprehensive support including sales
consulting, public relations activities, and verification of distribution
ヘルメット プロダクトデザイン 洗礼された流線系デザイン 前方にはサングラス、後方にはテイルランプを搭載ブレーキとリンク 企画、開発に入るまでの調査、市場調査、デザイントレンドから、設計、試作、商品開発、さらに生産、販売に関するコンサルティング、広報活動、流通経路等の検証も含め、総合的にご支援いたします。
Outside light lamp 外灯ランプ
Product design Industrial design
Algorithm design Organic design with grass hopper
プロダクトデザイン 工業デザイン 外灯ランプのデザイン
アルゴリズムを使ったデザイン グラスホッパーで有機的デザイン
Product design Industrial design
Outdoor light lamp design Algorithm design Organic design with glass hopper
プロダクトデザイン 工業デザイン 外灯ランプのデザイン
アルゴリズムを使ったデザイン グラスホッパーで有機的デザイン
Dining chair ダイニングチェア
Product design Industrial design
A simple chair. The colors are white, wood grain, and trendy colors. A
transparent material is used to reduce the visual weight. Wood grain and
fabric silhouettes are popular.
プロダクトデザイン 工業デザイン ダイニングチェアのデザイン
Product design Industrial design
Work station chair design A chair design based on gentleness using white,
wood grain, and transparent materials. The shape is simple, but the design
is comfortable to sit on. Molding of soft transparent resin. Adopted interior
and wood.
プロダクトデザイン 工業デザイン ワークステション椅子のデザイン
Golf head ゴルフヘッド
Product design Industrial design
design Metal shaving, carbon, various combinations, metal surface treatment,
printing design Harmony of colors and materials is necessary to produce
a sense of quality
プロダクトデザイン 工業デザイン ゴルフヘッドのデザイン
Rechargeable impact driver充電式インパクトドライバー
Product design Industrial design
10.8V Rechargeable wrench type impact driver concept Tool design is preferred
to be simple and easy to use. Product design that is simple in shape and
shape. The material is a rubber material with a texture that is easy to
hold. It is a design that emphasizes only the purpose.
プロダクトデザイン 工業デザイン
Braided USB cable regional revitalization 組みひもUSBケーブル 地域活性化
Product design, introduction of new development cases Collaboration with
Japanese traditional craft R company
Product design, proposal of material usage and support for new product
development Product design, industrial design Support for new product launch
Product design User research, awareness survey, From market research and
trend analysis, new product development, material usage proposals, production,
mass production start-up support, concept work, total support for new market
expansion USB cable Olympic model Planned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade
and Industry for the 2020 Olympics A project to disseminate Japanese culture
with a product design for inbound product design, which was conceived by
Tokyo Handicrafts. The braid is the most noble item used in His Majesty
the Emperor's kimono and national medal. It is a concept that combines
modern technology using that technology.プロダクトデザイン、新規開発事例紹介
日本伝統工芸 ㈱R社様とのコラボ
プロダクトデザイン、工業デザイン 新商品立上げプロダクトデザインのサポート
USBケーブル オリンピックモデル 2020年のオリンピックに経産省が企画した東京手仕事で発案したプロダクトデザイン
インバウンス向けの商品コンセプトで日本の文化を発信するプロジェクト 組みひもは天皇陛下様の着物や国の勲章などで
使用されているもっとも高貴な物です。 その技術を用いて近代的なテクノロジーを結びつけたコンセプトです。
Inner earphoneインナーイヤーフォン
Industrial design
It is a product design that makes you feel a sense of luxury using Bluetooth.
We provide comprehensive support, including design and product planning,
research up to the start of development, market research, design trends,
design, prototyping, product development, production and sales consulting,
public relations activities, and verification of distribution channels.
工業デザイン ブルトゥース インナーイヤーフォン
Product design Inner earphones Industrial design
Inner pieces that use cables are designed with reliability as a motif.
Wireless has become popular these days, but using a cable gives you a sense
of reliability and stability. By using wood for the product design, we
are creating reliability and comfort that fits in the hand. Wood is a material
that you will love once you use it, so it is definitely a material you
want to use for product design. It will be universal in terms of trends.
プロダクト デザイン インナーイヤーホン 工業デザイン
Kitchen utensils mixerキッチン用品 ミキサー Industrial design
A kitchen tool that mixes minced meat and vegetables. By holding the center
of gravity of the product in the center, the design emphasizes reliability
as a tool, improved usability, and visual stability. As the basic tone
of the material, the use of wood that feels comfortable even when placed
in the kitchen and the main body with a matte texture have made it even
more attached to the design taste. Comprehensive support including design,
product planning, research up to development, market research, design trends,
design, prototyping, product development, production and sales consulting,
public relations activities, and verification of distribution channels.
キッチン用品 ミキサー 工業デザイン
Electric pot 電気ポット Industrial design Product design
The product design is cute and reminiscent of an animal (penguin), and
it has fallen into the shape of attachment. By using a matte texture that
feels good to the touch and wood on the bottom, a stable feeling of placement
has been reproduced. The top surface is made of stainless steel to create
a luxurious feel, and the handle is designed to be wide, making it easy
to hold and pour. Comprehensive support including design, product planning,
research up to development, market research, design trends, design, prototyping,
product development, production and sales consulting, public relations
activities, and verification of distribution channels.
電気ポット 工業デザイン プロダクト デザイン
shoes シューズ
Shoes product design Basketball shoe design
シューズ プロダクトデザイン
Toasterトースター product design
Retro-style design with a simple shape and a sense of luxury Everyday life
begins with lowering the lever of this toaster in the morning and baking
bread. There is a sense of expectation and tension for today. I imagined
a model that provides "stable and delicious bread". From the
point of being stable, modeling with the center of gravity on the lower
side, and "directing a sense of luxury" are also important elements.
We provide comprehensive support from planning and development research,
market research, design trends, to design, prototyping, product development,
and his consulting on production and sales, public relations activities,
and verification of distribution channels. ..
トースター プロダクトデザイン
Cordless steam ironコードレススチームアイロン stand-alone type product design
By placing it on a simple pedestal, the power supply is secured, and when
using it, an alarm notifies you of a decrease in heat. The easy-to-use
ironing elements are modern and fast. With this iron, you can press clothes
quickly and stylishly. Or it is a form that recalls the image that it can
be pressed.
コードレススチームアイロン スタンドアロンタイプ プロダクトデザイン
Drip flow measuring device 点滴流量測定器
Product design, introduction of new development cases
Collaboration with medical electronic device manufacturing and sales maker
M Company
Product design, industrial design, user interface design, package design.
Support for new product launch. Product design for the medical industry
market Market research, trend analysis.
After making an image and confirming it with a 3DCG image, we verified
the shape with a 3D printer and made a prototype to support mold drawing
and mass production. We were in charge of software interface design and
package design.
In addition, production, mass production start-up support, and total support
for new market expansion are convenient products that allow you to check
the infusion flow rate at your smartphone at the hospital. The main body
is in the shape of a clip and has a mechanism to stop the drip from the
Hair dryer ヘアードライヤー
Product design, introduction of new development cases
Beauty salon manufacturing and sales maker XXX Co., Ltd.
Assistance in launching as a new business Product design, industrial design,
logo design, package design, exhibition design, corporate design Dryer
development with new functions, USA Supporting business development targeting
celebrities in the market From user research, attitude survey, market survey,
trend analysis, new product development, design, trial production, production,
mass production launch, exhibition, display consulting, branding, public
relations activities
Key Point: Propose a special mold design: By removing the parts, the parting
line can be removed and the product becomes beautiful. Design registered
美容エステ製造販売メーカー㈱XXX社様 新規事業として立上げのお手伝い
Serving robot 配膳ロボット
This product is a robotized concept that can avoid human-to-human contact
with the coronavirus. It is served by people in the restaurant. It is an
item that can reduce the risk of infection by serving using this device.
As a design, it is a robot, but it is a design that feels a sense of luxury
that does not insist. At the top, sensors and speakers, sound and light
will be used to create conversations with customers. Person in charge:
Industrial design
製品概念 この製品はコロナウイルスで人と人との接触を避けることが出来るロボット化によるコンセプトです。レストランでは人によって配膳されています。この装置を利用し配膳することにより、感染するリスクを低減できるアイテムです。デザインとしてはロボットでありながらしない主張しない高級感を感じるデザインです。上部にはセンサーとスピーカー、音と光によるお客様との会話を演出いたします。担当:工業デザイン
Prosthesis cover 義足カバー
Product design, introduction of new development cases
Collaboration with artificial leg manufacturer T Company
Product design, material proposal and modeling development support Product
design, industrial design
Support for new product launch product design for the medical industry's
unique market User research, From attitude survey, market survey, trend
analysis, new product development, design, trial processing technology,
material processing proposal, production, mass production start-up support,
concept work, total support for new market expansion Product concept This
product is It is a prosthesis cover that you can wear your favorite design.
Diabetes is a disease in which you have to amputate from the tip of your
foot little by little. As a result, my feelings gradually get sick. By
wearing this product, you can make a leap forward in a fashionable way.
Ergonomically designed. In this project, he is also in charge of industrial
design and direction. This product is a modeled product with a 3D printer.
The difficult part of industrial design is that human shapes differ in
size and shape from person to person. 3D scan the shape of each foot to
create a data. I designed it on the 3D scan data. Print with a 3D printer.
義足製造メーカーT社様とのコラボ プロダクトデザイン、素材提案と造形開発のお手伝い
ユーザーリサーチ、意識調査、市場調査、トレンド分析から、新商品開発、設計、試作 加工技術から、素材加工提案
製品概念 この製品は自分の好きな意匠をまとうことが出来る義足カバーです。 糖尿病という病気は足の先から、
少しずつ切断しないといけない病です。 それにより、心境が少しずつ病んでいきます。 この製品を纏うことにより、
ファッション性があり、心境的に飛躍できます。人間工学に基ずく設計。 当プロジェクトでは工業デザイン及びディ
レクションも一括して担当。 この製品は3Dプリンターによる造形品です。 工業デザインとして難しいところは人間の
形は人によってサイズや形状が違う為います。 ひとりひとりの足の形を3Dスキャンででーたをつくります。
Laser cutting machine レーザー切削機
Product design, introduction of new development cases
Collaboration with laser cutting machine manufacturing and sales manufacturer
S Company Product design, industrial design
Support for new product launch for the US and Japanese markets User research,
awareness survey, market survey, trend analysis From, new product development,
design, trial processing technology, further production, mass production
start-up support The latest laser cutting machine. Responsible for exterior
design, modeling to mold making exterior design
レーザー切削機製造販売メーカーS社様とのコラボ プロダクトデザイン、工業デザイン
ユーザーリサーチ、意識調査、市場調査、トレンド分析から、新商品開発、設計、試作 加工技術から、
Product design, introduction of new development cases
Product development Industrial design: Collaboration with vehicle peripheral
equipment manufacturer USB cable manufacturing and sales manufacturer H.
From user research, awareness survey, market survey, trend analysis, from
new product development, design, prototype processing technology , USB
cable design proposal, shape and color to create a sense of quality, charge:
Product development Industrial design, CG creation, mold drawing creation
製品開発 工業デザイン:車両周辺機器メーカー USBケーブル製造販売メーカーH社様とのコラボ
ユーザーリサーチ、意識調査、市場調査、トレンド分析から、新商品開発、設計、試作 加工技術から、
USBケーブルのデザイン提案、高級感を演出する形と色を提案、担当:製品開発 工業デザイン、CG作成、金型図面作成
Non-contact thermometer 非接触体温計
Medical device Product concept Industrial design
Thermometer Easy-to-hold and easy-to-understand interface Buttons adopt
a spherical shape and shape that is easy to press from any angle. Medical
devices need a gentle shape and cleanliness. A transparent and clean image,
advanced modeling beauty.
医療機器 製品コンセプト 工業デザイン
検温機 持ち易く、わかり易いインターフェース ボタンはどの角度からも押し易い形状、球形を採用。医療機器はやさしい形と清潔感が必要です。 透明感でクリーンなイメージ、先進的な造形美。
Surgical medical hand tool 手術医療用ハンドツール Product concept Industrial design
Health equipment equipment Surgical medical hand tool Trigger enables accurate
interlocking and intuitive control
医療機器 製品コンセプト 工業デザイン 健康器具機器
手術医療用ハンドツール トリガーにより正確な連動性、直感的にコントロールが可能
Prosthesis with electric assist 電動アシスト付き義足
Product design, introduction of new development cases
Collaboration with artificial leg manufacturer T company Product design,
material proposal and support for modeling development Product design,
industrial design Support for new product launch product design for the
medical industry User research, From attitude survey, market survey, trend
analysis, new product development, design, trial processing technology,
material processing proposal, production, mass production start-up support,
concept work, total support for new market expansion
Medical device product concept Industrial design Prosthesis with electric
assist Person in charge: Product development Industrial design, CG creation,
mold drawing creation
義足製造メーカーT社様とのコラボ プロダクトデザイン、素材提案と造形開発のお手伝いプロダクトデザイン、工業デザイン医療業界独自の市場にむけ、新商品立上げプロダクトデザインのサポートユーザーリサーチ、意識調査、市場調査、トレンド分析から、新商品開発、設計、試作 加工技術から、素材加工提案さらに生産、量産の立上サポート、コンセプトワークから、新規市場拡大のトータル的な支援
医療機器 製品コンセプト 工業デザイン
電動アシスト付き義足 担当:製品開発 工業デザイン、CG作成、金型図面作成
Medical diagnostic equipment 医療診断装置
Medical equipment Product concept Industrial design Health equipment
CT scanning equipment, Computer tomography Computed tomography
CT scanning has excellent resolution, and it is possible to find lesions
that cannot be found on chest X-ray images. An X-ray tube is installed
inside the CT, and it is a large device because it is irradiated with X-rays
and the signal is detected by the detector on the opposite side.
医療機器 製品コンセプト 工業デザイン 健康器具機器
CTスキャン装置 コンピュータ断層撮影 computed tomography
Medical device Product concept Industrial design
Health device device Easy-to-hold and easy-to-understand interface Buttons
are shaped and spherical so that they can be easily pressed from any angle.
Form that considers workability. Medical devices need a gentle shape and
cleanliness. The area of the transparent molded part is increased to create
a clean image, which makes it easier to wipe off sweat and improves waterproofness.
医療機器 製品コンセプト 工業デザイン
健康器具機器 持ち易く、わかり易いインターフェース ボタンはどの角度からも押し易い形状、球形を採用しました。
Medical equipment Industrial design
Medical diagnostic equipment design. When the patient looks at this device,
it uses a round shape that feels gentle and a white color that gives a
feeling of cleanliness.
医療機器 工業デザイン
Medical equipment Industrial design Medical diagnostic equipment design
Cart stand type inspection equipment that can be rearranged according to
the intended use
医療機器 工業デザイン 医療診断装置デザイン
Medical device industrial design Medical diagnostic device design
医療機器 工業デザイン 医療診断装置デザイン
Bluetooth speakerブルートゥーススピーカー
A speaker that can be connected to a mobile phone via Bluetooth Product
The shape is simplified to create a sense of luxury, and the texture is
an image of depth and baptism.
ブルートゥース スピーカー
製品コンセプト 高級感を演出する為に形を簡素化、質感にて奥行きと洗礼されたイメージです。
Hair dryer product design
Design concept :It is an advanced design that does not make you feel the size by adopting a mirror-finished housing.
ヘアードライヤー 製品デザイン
デザインコンセプト 鏡面の筐体を採用することで大きさを感じさせない先進的なデザインです。
オーバーヘッド型ヘッドホン 高級感を演出しながら、白を基調としたシンプルな形のヘッドホン
Overhead headphones: Headphones with a simple,shape based on white while producing a sense of luxury
Overhead headphones for sports
You can play sports while drying your sweat through the air in a simple
Wristband type terminal リストバンド型端末
terminal equipped with a pulse sensor and UI (user interface) by light
Coffee drop コーヒードロップ Product concept
Industrial design. A paper coffee filter is installed at the top, and you
can enjoy it while pouring hot water and brew coffee slowly. The product
concept and shape to enjoy things are designed to be minimal, beautiful
and simple.
コーヒードロップ 製品コンセプト
工業デザイン 紙製のコーヒーフィルターを上部に設置、お湯を注ぎながら楽しみ、コーヒーをじっくり淹れる。
Deodorants 化粧品容器 プチプライス Industrial design
Graphic design that prints on the container from the bottle shape, package
design Recently, in bottle design, product manufacturing is required from
various viewpoints based on SDGs and so on. We support design based on
various market conditions.
化粧品容器 プチプライス 工業デザイン
Cosmetic container for men 化粧品容器 男性用
Product design, introduction of new development cases
Perfume maker S Co., Ltd. Helping to launch as a new business Product design,
industrial design Supporting new product launch for Japan's unique market
Product design support New product development from market research and
trend analysis , Design, trial production, production, mass production
start-up support, total support Men's luxury perfume bottle Department
store cosmetics Industrial design Product development from bottle shape
to container Industrial design, CG creation, mold drawing creation
香水メーカー㈱S社様 新規事業として立上げのお手伝い
男性用高級香水瓶 デパートコスメ 工業デザイン
ボトル形状から容器に製品開発 工業デザイン、CG作成、金型図面作成
Women's luxury perfume bottle department store cosmetics industrial design
Product development from bottle shape to container Industrial design, CG
creation, mold drawing creation design
女性用高級香水瓶 デパートコスメ 工業デザイン
ボトル形状から容器に製品開発 工業デザイン、CG作成、金型図面作成デザイン
Luxury perfume bottle for women 女性用高級香水瓶
Department store cosmetics Industrial design
Bottle shape, CG creation, mold drawing creation design
女性用高級香水瓶 デパートコスメ 工業デザイン
Mugマグカップ PRODUCT Design
Cosmetic case Industrial design Product design
New development case introduction Beauty beauty salon manufacturing and sales maker XXX Co., Ltd.
Product design, industrial design
As a model for renewal when changing specifications, the top plate is changed from the trend analysis to new product development, design, trial production, I designed it.
化粧品ケース 工業デザイン プロダクトデザイン
新規開発事例紹介 美容エステ製造販売メーカー㈱XXX社様
Product design, industrial design, introduction of new development cases
Collaboration with material maker F company Product design, material proposal and modeling development support
New product launch for Japan's unique cosmetics market Product design support User research, awareness survey, From market research, trend analysis, new product development, design, trial processing technology, production, mass production start-up support, regional revitalization, business plan with the region, etc.,
From concept work, branding, total expansion of new market
Support design registered department store cosmetics cosmetic bottle product design
素材メーカーF社様とのコラボ プロダクトデザイン、素材提案と造形開発のお手伝い
ユーザーリサーチ、意識調査、市場調査、トレンド分析から、新商品開発、設計、試作 加工技術から、
新規市場拡大のトータル的な支援 意匠登録済み
デパートコスメ 化粧品瓶プロダクトデザイン
Clock-type terminal The concept of a horizontally long screen
Bag カバン
Product design, industrial design, introduction of new development cases
Collaboration with material maker N company Product design, material proposal
and modeling development, sales promotion support.
New product launch for Japan's unique cosmetics market Product design support
User research, From attitude survey, market survey, trend analysis, new
product development, design, trial processing technology, production, mass
production start-up support, regional revitalization, business plan with
the region, branding, new market expansion.
Total support of design registered bag design From modeling, planning,
pattern development, market research, design trends, design, trial production,
product development, production, sales consulting, public relations activities,
distribution channels, etc. We provided comprehensive support, including
verification of.
素材メーカーN社様とのコラボ プロダクトデザイン、素材提案と造形開発、販売プロモーションのお手伝い
ユーザーリサーチ、意識調査、市場調査、トレンド分析から、新商品開発、設計、試作 加工技術から、
新規市場拡大のトータル的な支援 意匠登録済み
カバンデザイン 造形、 企画、パターンの開発に入るまでの調査、市場調査、デザイントレンドから、設計、
Electric toothbrush 電動歯ブラシ Industrial design
Product design, introduction of new development cases
Toothbrush processing maker Y Co., Ltd. Assistance in product design and
modeling development Support for new product launch for Japan's unique
market Product design support User research, awareness survey, market survey
, From trend analysis, new product development, design, trial processing
technology, further production, mass production start-up support, total
電動歯ブラシ 工業デザイン
歯ブラシ加工メーカー(株)Y社様 プロダクトデザイン、造形開発のお手伝い
ユーザーリサーチ、意識調査、市場調査、トレンド分析から、新商品開発、設計、試作 加工技術から、
Toothbrush Industrial design Product design, introduction of new development
Processing maker product design, support for modeling development
Support for new product launch for Japan's unique market Product design
support From user research, awareness survey, market survey, trend analysis,
new products Development, design, trial design development from processing
歯ブラシ 工業デザイン プロダクトデザイン、新規開発事例紹介
加工メーカー様 プロダクトデザイン、造形開発のお手伝い
日本独自の市場にむけた新商品立上げプロダクトデザインのサポート ユーザーリサーチ、意識調査、市場調査、トレンド分析から、新商品開発、設計、試作 加工技術からのデザイン展開
Interdental brush Industrial design Product design, introduction of new
development cases
Processing maker product design, support for modeling development
Support for new product launch for Japan's unique market Product design
From user research, awareness survey, market survey, trend analysis New
product development, design, trial design development from processing technology
歯間ブラシ 工業デザイン プロダクトデザイン、新規開発事例紹介
加工メーカー様 プロダクトデザイン、造形開発のお手伝い
日本独自の市場にむけた新商品立上げプロダクトデザインのサポート ユーザーリサーチ、意識調査、市場調査、トレンド分析から、新商品開発、設計、試作 加工技術からのデザイン展開
Health equipment, industrial design, product design, introduction of new development cases
Collaboration with health equipment manufacturer XXX company Product design, material proposal and modeling development, support for sales promotion
New product launch product design for Japan's unique market Support From user research, awareness survey, market survey, trend analysis, new product development, design, trial processing technology, production, mass production start-up support, regional revitalization, business plan with the region, branding , Total support for new market expansion Design registered modeling, planning, survey until pattern development, market survey, design trend, design, trial production, product development, production, sales consulting, public relations activities, distribution We provided comprehensive support, including verification of routes.
健康器具製造メーカーXXX社様とのコラボ プロダクトデザイン、素材提案と造形開発、販売プロモーションのお手伝い
ユーザーリサーチ、意識調査、市場調査、トレンド分析から、新商品開発、設計、試作 加工技術から、
新規市場拡大のトータル的な支援 意匠登録済み
造形、 企画、パターンの開発に入るまでの調査、市場調査、デザイントレンドから、設計、
Baby products Product design
Nursing aids Collaboration with baby goods manufacturer L Company
Design planning, research up to development, market research, design trends, design, trial production, product development, package design, logo design, and further production, We provided comprehensive support, including sales consulting, public relations activities, and verification of distribution channels.
ベビー用品 製品デザイン
授乳補助具 ベビーグッズ製造販売メーカーL社様とコラボ
Furniture design using sound absorbing material
Product design, introduction of new development cases
Collaboration with furniture manufacturer D company Product design, industrial design, modeling development Support for new product launch product design for Japan's unique market User research, From attitude survey, market survey, trend analysis, new product development, design, trial processing technology, further production, mass production start-up support, total support for new market expansion
什器製造販売メーカーD社様とのコラボ プロダクトデザイン、工業デザイン、造形開発
ユーザーリサーチ、意識調査、市場調査、トレンド分析から、新商品開発、設計、試作 加工技術から、
Vehicle design
Vehicle body, CMF design
Near future vehicle design, user research, consumer trends, new car ideas,
local environment infrastructure, etc., sketch work from concept, 3DCG
production * No image
コンセプトからスケッチワーク、3DCG作製 ※画像なし
Development process in "Product design"
We perform not only product design but also various surveys and mass production
■ Survey By conducting a wide range of surveys, from related product surveys,
concept surveys, design trend surveys, to user purchasing awareness surveys,
we will grasp the direction of products and reflect them in design requirements.
■ Planning and design requirements We will grasp product specifications,
product planning, and design requirements, and proceed while sharing information
through research. This will set the direction for your company. Occasionally,
we also develop and prototype at OEM manufacturers.
■ Design development We will create a concrete product concept with 3DCG
and make a 1/1 work. At that time, from rough concept sketches to 3D rendering
as a rendering of the product, the deliverables that match the phase are
produced in the right place. There is also a balance such as the amount
of money.
■ Design We use CAD to create prototype drawings and product drawings that
can be used for mold design. Occasionally, we also create mold drawings.
■ Prototype You can make a prototype and have it actually used, search
for color and texture, and test for design requirements. Prototypes can
also be used for promotions. It takes about half a year to complete a mass-produced
actual machine, so before that, you can take a photo for the package as
a prototype, or take an image for the web or crowdfunding.
■ Mold / mass production support We will discuss with your designer and
proceed. We will incorporate the specifications into the product as we
proceed with several regular meetings. We will solve various manufacturing
problems while interacting with the factory.
Introducing product brands There are many products on the market, but each
one has its own characteristics. .. The important point is what kind of
plan strategy you use as your strategy. The following is a brief introduction
to the product image, how to use the materials, and what kind of brand
direction it is.


Medical product style
Medical product style images are often used in medical products. The simple
corner edge is soft so that the user can feel at ease. The colors will
be simple warm colors.
Retro style
Retro style images are often used by European luxury brands. The shape
is simple and gives a rich image. The combination of materials creates
a sense of luxury. There are various methods such as contrasting materials,
metallic ones and matte paint contrast.
Advanced streamlined wind
This is a flowing shape that is often used in Shinkansen and vehicle design.
The shape makes you feel the movement. It is often used for vehicle products.
German industrial product style
This image is a design method that puts out industrial precision on the
whole surface. I often see it in large items such as furniture, but nowadays
it is becoming more common in mobile products. It will be a design that
makes the best use of metal materials with a metallic hairline. Such an
image strategy is needed to form a brand.

Industrial design is not immediately effective and I think it is difficult to invest. What kind of things and things are required in the market. We will design based on the content and strategy that meet your requirements. The most happy moment is everyone's voice. When we hear "I like the design!" And "It sells well!", My passion for product design grows even more!
CMF Design Lab Concept
CMF Design is a color material finish design. It means new decoration,
new materials, and modeling development. After working as a corporate designer,
I became independent. Normally, the commercialization rate of material
development and product development by the person in charge of development
was about 10%, but the commercialization rate of the development I was
involved in was about 70%. The reason is what kind of design users are
looking for and what kind of design is accepted. Because I was always analyzing
various fields. Our concept is developed by incorporating new methods and
new materials as well as industrial design, shape and usage. The concept
is to create new values. We support a wide range of companies from large
companies to small and medium-sized companies, so we would appreciate it
if you could consult with us. Japan Industrial Design Association / JIDA
Regular Member Mirasapo Expert Certification CMF Design Lab Co., Ltd. is
a private company certified by the government as an industrial design expert.
Mirasapo is a national promotion project that supports the future of SMEs
and small businesses through the Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises
and Regional Innovation. Please use the form below to let us know your
request in as much detail as possible. We will make the best proposal.
If you have any inquiries, we will contact you the next business day. I
would appreciate it if you could contact me! If you do not receive a reply
within 2 days, it may be a problem, so please contact us directly by email. To Yoshida You can meet at TEAMS, ZOOM. We do not
accept requests for competitions. We support mass production.
一番うれしい瞬間はやはり、皆さんのお声です。 「デザインがいいね!」 「良く売れているよ!」 など聞くと、プロダクトデザインへの情熱がさらに湧き上がってきます!
CMF Design Lab コンセプト
CMF Designとはカラーマテリアルフィニッシュデザインです。
CMF Design Lab Concept CMF Design is a color material finish design. It
means new decoration, new materials, and modeling development.
Normally, the commercialization rate of material development and product development by the person in charge of development was about 10%, but the commercialization rate of the development I was involved in was about 70%. The reason is what kind of design users are looking for and what kind of design is requiring. Recerch is very important for build up the product design concept.Theconcept is developed by new methods and new materials as well as...
公益社団法人日本インダストリアルデザイン協会/JIDA 正会員
Japan Industrial Design Association / JIDA regular member
株式会社 CMF Design Labは工業デザイン専門家として、国が認定した民間企業です。
Mirasapo Expert Certification by goverment
CMF Design Lab Co., Ltd. is a private company certified by the government
as an industrial design expert. Mirasapo is a national promotion project
that supports the future of SMEs and small businesses through the Organization
for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation.
下記のフォームより、ご依頼の内容をできるだけ詳しくお知らせください。 最善のご提案をさせていただきます。 お問い合わせをいただきましたら、翌営業日には当社からご連絡させていただきます。ご連絡いただければ幸いです!もし、2日以内に返信がない場合、不具合かと思いますので、メールに直接ご連絡いただければ幸いです。
Please use the form below to let us know your request in as much detail
as possible. We will make the best proposal. If you have any inquiries,
we will contact you the next business day. We would appreciate it if you
could contact us! If you do not receive a reply within 2 days, it may be
a problem, so please contact us directly by email.
To Yoshida, meeting at TEAMS, ZOOM, are abilable,too.
We do not accept requests for competitions.
Product design, industrial design path
What is product design and industrial design that we promote? We support
the entire process of product development with experience and knowledge,
technology, and a network during mass production. From product planning,
concept work, CG rendering, branding, color variation, market share, product
design, industrial design, proposal to realization, sketch work for commercialization,
3D data production, prototype model, follow-up of mass production , We
provide total support for product development from the perspective of a
product designer. Recently, the number of projects where product design
is involved in startup products from the beginning is increasing.
CMF Design Lab is based on the following three processes.
Supports research, product design, and mass production.
CMF Design Labでは下記の3つのプロセスを基本としています。
Trend research
Trend research is the most important point in product design and industrial
design. Business model, market, branding, user segment. In addition, mass
production technology and networks of mass production sites for commercialization
are also important points. Here, as product design and industrial design,
we will confirm the aim and possibility of the product and the composition
of what the product should be, and proceed. The content of the concept
based on the information and know-how cultivated in this content is the
heart of product planning, branding and product design, and industrial
design. This enables product design and industrial design that satisfy
both your company and users. There is another important element in research.
It's a product design trend in the market. No matter how good the product
planning is, if the modeling and UI (user interface) are inferior, the
product will not sell. This trend analysis is a very important factor in
advancing product design.
As a scope of product design and industrial design research Fashion, accessories,
perfumes, interiors, watches, cars, shoes, sports gear, architecture, movies
and more. In such an industry, we are disseminating exhibitions and new
information in each industry. Through such things, designers and companies
all over the world come together to propose new products. In this way,
trends are created on a daily basis. We research this trend and propose
the latest product design and industrial design. In addition, there is
a lot of information that is sent as a trend before it is proposed in the
market. Various product concepts are born depending on what kind of product
is considered at what timing. Depending on the product, we will propose
product design and industrial design with higher accuracy.
プロダクトデザイン、工業デザイン リサーチの範囲として

Product design process
Based on the researched concepts and ideas of product design and industrial
design, we proceed to the process as design sketches, 3DCG rendering, and
prototype models. By repeating this process several times in this way,
we will improve the accuracy and quality and narrow down from a few design

The above is the product design sketch work. It's a basic process, but
in some situations we may adopt other methods. Depending on the product,
it may be better to advance the details and texture of the material a little

The above is a CG rendering of the product design. It's called 3D CG, and
it's also used in movies. You can export the STL data format that can also
be used for molds used in mass production. You can make a CG and make a
prototype as it is, or you can reflect it in the mold. It is a cheap and
fast method in terms of cost. If you don't want to spend money, you may
be able to proceed with CG alone. When mass-producing in China or overseas,
we recommend trial production as much as possible. After all, a sample
is required, so it will be a little expensive, but it is easier to give
instructions by presenting it in the actual product when designing, matching
the texture and color, and it will save time in terms of startup. I recommend
上記はプロダクトデザインのCGレンダリングです。3D CGというもので、映画などでも使われるものです。量産で使用する金型にも使えるSTLデータ形式を書き出せます。CGを作り、そのまま、試作をすることも出来ますし、金型に反映させることも可能です。コスト的にも安く、早い方法です。金額をかけたくない場合はCGだけでは進める場合もあります。中国や海外で量産する場合は、出来るだけ、試作をお勧めいたします。やはり、サンプルが必要となりますので、少々高くなりますが、質感や色あわせまた設計の際に実物で提示した方が簡単に指示ができますし、立ち上げ的には時間が削減できますのでお勧めしています。
What is product design and industrial design?
Recently, the terms product design and industrial design have become major.
There are various ways of saying it depending on the industry. There is
also the term industrial designer. The origin of industrial design is the
story of Braun of Germany, but it is said that the origin is that the architectural
designer created the drawing, gave the design, and designed it with one
hand. It was not a division of labor. Nowadays, there are various terms
such as industrial designers, industrial designers, and product designers,
but in general, manufacturers design and supply industrial products on
the premise of mass production. This is called industrial design. On the
other hand, product designers make proposals by making full use of various
methods, CG, software, and various tools. Nowadays, the situation has become
irresistible, including artistry and visual arts. Well, what's the difference
between an industrial designer and a product designer? The question is,
but that area is becoming more difficult to describe in words. It is becoming
meaningless in etymology. However, the association recognized by the Japanese
government is the Industrial Association, so I think that will be the case.
How to proceed with design work
In order to proceed with design work, the demand is information sharing
and communication with the client (your company). From product design to
commercialization, we begin to think about the purpose, intention, and
concept, using all approaches, such as product design thinking, initial
ideas, and brainstorming. Develop ideas based on that concept and narrow
down the ideas to get closer to the concept. The responsiveness and flexibility
of design work is an important issue in advancing product design and industrial
design. That will change the product concept.
As an example
it is a minor change model, but in this minor change, I want to replace
the product at a low price, for example, I want to keep it cheap by changing
the graphics and colors. How do you make a product within the constraints,
such as the number of parts cannot be changed? Within such constraints,
we will raise ideas on that issue. In addition, there are products that
require an overwhelming appearance due to model changes and a fresh and
innovative design that is flagship. There is also a trendy part there.
There are various conditions such as spending some money. Through discussions,
we try to propose a fruitful product design by repeating information sharing
and communication several times about what kind of product to develop!
What is basic product design and mass production product design?
In order to product product design and industrial design, we propose the
most prominent design and the design corresponding to mass production.
The most important thing in proposing product design and industrial design
is to make a product that sells and a design that is easy to use. Designers,
processing makers, and OEM makers propose easy-to-make products, but after
all, the best design proposals for manufacturing are necessary. In this
way, we are trying to propose better products such as product designs that
sell well, products that are easy to use, and functional beauty. Of course,
it is necessary to design and reflect many issues at a high level, such
as excellent design that combines functions and styling, consideration
of cost at the time of mass production, design restrictions and improvement
of productivity.

Incorporating from the basic concept into product design and industrial
This is a method of deciding the appearance design when proposing product
design and industrial design, but we will continue to receive various information
from your company. It is important for each person to share and understand
the image of product design. Among them, the appearance design will be
prioritized. Of course, we have to proceed with the design so as not to
break the place to be protected. As a basic design, we can also propose
product designs for resin molded products, sheet metal designs, mechanical
designs, mechanical designs, 3D designs, and 3D modeling.
Technology application that adds designability in the configuration of
molds, etc.
As we proceed with product design and industrial design, the conditions
of processing methods that are not noticed at the time of design come out
when considering mass production. It may be difficult to make the intended
molding with the mold configuration, the base conditions to be mounted
in the product, and the mechanical parts, or it may look bad. We have realized
better, quicker and more flexible ideas and product design by considering
molding method and assembly method based on hundreds of product launch
experience and abundant industrial design experience. We are confident
that we can propose knowledge and technology that can eliminate sink marks
and cracks in resin molded products, jets and weld lines, and welding marks
on sheet metal.
3DCG Rendering
We have introduced the latest high quality 3DCG rendering system. In this
system, texture mapping technology and expressed shape, which were difficult
with conventional software, can be reproduced on the data.

This mapping technology can scan the shape and representation of a real
surface in three dimensions, add depth to image data, and paste it on the
surface. As a result, it can be confirmed as 3D CG. This technology can
now be created with STL data used for die cutting. This makes it possible
to mold various expressions of resin. We will propose more efficient! In
our product design, 3DCG rendering can be verified faster than the design
model. You can also map leather, metal, and wood that are close to the
real thing. We will be able to propose comfortable styling and realistic
texture. We will create everything in-house, so I think we can propose
trust and speed.
Technical illustrations are also supported!
Can create technical illustrations that make it easy to understand the
structure and parts composition from the design drawings and product descriptions.
We can also handle data used by linking with product catalogs, blueprints,
floor plans, and product information. This is the official drawing for
design registration and patent application. We support designs and patents
from all over the world.

Packaging, Brosher Images, Catalog
Photos Nowadays, 3DCG is already a viable option for product photography
as a photo alternative. You have to start preparing packages and catalogs
when you launch the product, but our 3DCG has high quality, so you can
create high standard renderings that can also be used for catalogs and
packages. You can create a catalog at a lower cost than taking a photo.
We also produce only CG rendering from existing drawings and 3D CAD data!
Please feel free to contact us! The following is CG.

The mechanism and structure can be applied
well, and we meet the scenes where the designer is confused. I'm designing
like this, is this okay? We have experience in the mechanism, ideas and
structural ideas of various industrial products, and we can prosper in
terms of product design, so please contact us!
In product design and industrial design, emphasis is placed on rational
mechanisms and structures.In product design and industrial design, there are many situations where
the mechanism and structure are good or bad. For functional products, tools,
etc. develop ideas based on the mechanism and structure, and then flesh
and shave them. We will proceed with functions and mechanisms. The ideal
design is one that pursues functional beauty. After that, we will repeat
the trial production realistically and improve the accuracy with 3D software.
This is the first time that harmony with styling is created. Functional
beauty is born.
Superiority of 3D CAD design work
Until about 10 to 20 years ago, design studies were carried out by repeating
sketch work at the site of product design and industrial design. In recent
years, various tools have appeared in the field of product design and industrial
design, and handwritten sketches and 2D sketch work are no longer used.
It is convenient to adopt 3DCG in terms of time and man-hours. Realistic
shape, texture and styling are possible. As a result, 3DCG is the main
focus of current design studies. If you have the budget, we will make a
prototype. Since then, we have delivered data created in 3D and have changed
to a new method of specifying color chips and textures. As a result, the
time and cost have been reduced, the migration time of the prototype model
and the transfer time to the mold have been reduced, and an environment
has been created in which product designers can consistently reflect the
concept. As with dentists, there are many outdated dentists, but various
technologies and information are evolving on a daily basis. After all,
technology is evolving, so we are proposing such a technique.
Drawing production, acceptance and delivery
Acceptable data
.3dm, .3dmbak, .rws, .3mf, .3ds, .amf, .sat, .ai, .dwg, .dxf, .igs, .iges,
.pdf ,. sldprt, .sldasm, .stp, .step, .stl
Passable data
.3dm, .3dmbak, .rws, .3mf, .3ds, .amf, .sat, .ai, .dwg, .dxf, .igs, .iges,
.pdf, .sldprt, .sldasm, .stp, .step, .stl
Flexible drawing from rough sketches, design sketches and graffiti
As is often the case, I thought of a design like this by handwriting, but
would you please make it three-dimensional? We often receive inquiries.
For 3D and 2D drawing production, it is important to turn product design
and industrial design into drawings from ideas. I would like you to add
a little more design as a retrofit. Verifying the image of the product
with CG and making a prototype more realistically is also a step toward
commercialization. It is possible to perform split lines and structural
verification such as mechanical design of parts that make up products.
As a result, it can be applied to various situations such as prototyping,
3DCG rendering, and mold estimation. It is also possible to create drawings
from design sketches and graffiti, so please feel free to contact us. It
supports various processes!
よくある話ですが、手書きでこんな感じのデザイン考えたんですが、立体にしてくれませんか?なども良くお問い合わせあります。3Dや2D の図面制作はプロダクトデザイン、工業デザインをアイディアから図面にすることは重要なことです。このような、後付でもう少しデザインを付けてほしいなど。より現実的に製品のイメージをCGで検証することや試作することも商品化の一歩です。製品を構成する部品の機構設計など、割り線や構造検証が可能です。それにより、試作、3DCGレンダリング、金型見積など様々な場面に応用可能です。デザインスケッチや落書きから図面を制作する事も可能ですので、お気軽にご相談ください。色々なプロセスに対応しています!
プロダクトデザイン、工業デザイン 工程での図面制作
Product design, drawing production in the industrial design process Once
the direction of requesting
product design is decided, we will create drawings in various formats if
requested so that we can consider it. If verification by 3D CG or 2D plan
drawing is efficient when packing the product design, we will flexibly
draw the drawing even at the idea stage. I think it will be useful for
internal examination.
Drawing production in the specified data format
At our company, due to the software, the data is stored with a certain
amount of data. It is also possible to manufacture in the drawing format
requested by your company. It is also possible to create data for 4-sided
and 5-sided development drawings of patent drawings, storage, design registration
and approval. We can also provide it in print, data, PDF and illustrator
外観検討用のモデルから動作モデル、中にモジュールを仕込み検証したり。全てのデザインモデル製作をお手伝いします。大きさや使い勝手を確認するための簡易外観モデルから、動作や機能を確認するためのワーキングモデルまで全ての試作モデル製作をサポートします。光学式の試作モデルも可能です。Prototype model for appearance examination and operation model for verifying
From model for appearance examination to operation model, modules are installed
and verified. We will help you to make all design models. We support the
production of all prototype models, from a simple appearance model for
checking the size and usability to a working model for checking the operation
and function. An optical prototype model is also available.
プロダクトデザイン、工業デザイン 試作モデルの作成
Product design, industrial design prototype model creation
Product design, industrial design prototype model is outsourced. There
are many mock makers that undertake prototypes, but each manufacturer has
various characteristics. Prototypes are created several times in the field
of normal product design. Depending on the timing, we will create it in
about 1 to 2 months. Depending on the situation, some items may have a
slightly shorter delivery time, and larger items may have a slightly longer
delivery time. It depends on the content and situation. The mock maker
has various characteristics. A manufacturer that promotes car-related exteriors
from the place where 3D printers are used to make ultra-fine prototypes
of small items and jewelry classes. There are a wide variety of manufacturers
that can sew car seats in leather, prototype manufacturers that are good
at transparent materials, prototype manufacturers that are good at soft
silicone materials, prototype manufacturers that are good at conducting
experiments, and prototype manufacturers that are good at coloring. As
for the surface finish, there are also rough finishes called Chemiwood,
things to see only the volume, and stereolithography 3D printers. There
are also prototype manufacturers who want the highest quality when they
want to use it for photography. Various correspondence is possible.
7.試作モデル作成 版下、アートワークを作成 本体の色指定
Request process for product design and industrial design
Although it cannot be said unconditionally depending on the situation and
cost, we will introduce the normal process.
1. Understand the contents of the product design request
2. Create and present a quotation: Within one week
3. Organize the contents and proceed with the research necessary for product
4. Create an image of the product design Create an image board
5. Create an idea sketch Advance 3DCG, 2D rendering creation Verify the
direction of the design and proceed * Repeat this process a few times.
6. Proceed with CG rendering with details Decide and proceed to the next
7. Prototype model creation Create artwork, color specification of the
main body
This is the end of the product design design process. Next is the follow-up
mass production process. This is the end of a normal design office, but
we have information on mass production technology and manufacturers. I
have been working for a long time at the development site of a major manufacturer
that I used to work for, so I think I can provide the knowledge and know-how
at that time.
Product design tools
The following are the tools used. Rhinocerous, Photoshop, Illustrator,
Powerpoint, etc.
Compatible product design, types of industrial design
Electronic equipment design, construction terminal equipment, evaluation
equipment Computer, main unit, peripheral equipment, HDD drive, DVD drive,
printer, cable, next-generation equipment Home appliances, washing machines,
coolers, refrigerators , Fans, microwave furniture, chairs, tables Daily
necessities, plates, cups, glasses, tableware Nursing care products, wheelchairs,
artificial legs, artificial leg covers Small GPS devices, antennas Mobile
phones, small audio devices, stationary audio devices, TVs, HDD players,
Radio Radio, small radio stationery, office equipment Beauty equipment,
dryers, irons, hair removal machines Vehicle interior parts, interiors,
exteriors, car accessories Cosmetics, bottles, containers, packages Jewelry,
earrings, rings, fashion, bags, glasses, sunglasses, Shoes, sneakers Interior,
furniture, building materials Watches Medical supplies, medical equipment,
medical equipment, medical electronic equipment Traditional crafts Exhibition
booth design, exhibition layout design, display design for exhibition City
planning, vehicles
工業デザイン シニアデザイン担当を20年間経験後、独立しました
Work experience: After 20 years of experience in industrial design and
senior design, I became independent.
I worked at the IBM Japan Design Center for 3 years and was involved in
an industrial designer. He was involved in product design for notebook
Thinkpads, monitors, printers, wearable PCs and exhibition booths.
日本サムスンデザインセンター7年勤務、デザイン部課長、携帯電話、ビデオカメラ、ノートブック、家電をデザインしましたWorked for 7 years at Japan Samsung Design Center, designed design department manager, mobile phone, video camera, notebook, home appliances
VAIO,Walkman,BRAVIA, Cybershot,αの新規開発チーム シニアデザイナー製品開発に携わりました。
I have been working at Sony Creative Center for about 10 years, and the
work at that time is not posted due to various reasons. New development
team of VAIO, Walkman, BRAVIA, Cybershot, α was involved in the product
development of his senior designer.
From now on, I will explain the product design process and details.
Start with trend analysis, first research. What kind of products are on
the market? It will be an analysis of shapes and colors. Then, put together
the image of the product and create a design. The image map of this product
design trend analysis may determine the quality of the product.
プロダクトデザインの方向性を決めるためにデザイントレンド分析の結果を考慮したデザインをレンダリングで書き起こします。3D CGを導入することにより、試作の前にイメージを作ることが出来きます。最近のCGはモックアップよりきれいに表現が出来ます。プロダクトデザインではこのCGが良すぎて、商品にした際にCGの方がきれいな場合もありますが、やはり試作品のほうをお勧めしています。それはものの力が何よりも勝るからです。この3D
Render a design that takes into account the results of design trend analysis
to determine the direction of product design. By introducing 3D CG, you
can create an image before making a prototype. Recent CG can be expressed
more beautifully than mockups. This CG is too good for product design,
and sometimes the CG is cleaner when it is made into a product, but I still
recommend the prototype. That is because the power of things is superior
to anything else. The data created in this 3D CG can be expanded into the
STL data of the mold, which saves cost and time.
The minimum schedule is about 4 weeks, but due to various circumstances,
we are always available. We would appreciate it if you could consider the
above as a reference. .. .. I received a request in two weeks before, but
I think that it is better to make it over time.
In order to improve the product design, we will analyze it to realize high-angle
research. There are various research methods depending on the genre. Depending
on the type of product design, most trends look at exhibitions, magazines,
web information, and more. It takes the most time here, but I always do
trend analysis. In particular, it is important to cover a wide range of
information and trends such as fashion trends, architecture, cars and jewelry.
プロダクトデザインは形や色、素材などのトレンドを解析し、デザインすることが重要です。プロダクトデザイントレンドには一般的にMACRO TRENDとMICRO
効率的に常に新しさや綺麗と感じていただけるプロダクトデザインを心がけています。。。When designing a product, it is
important to analyze trends such as shapes, colors, and materials. Product
design trends generally include MACRO TREND and MICRO TREND. Is it a mainstream
trend or a sudden regional trend? There are various trends. The starting
point for newness is where and how to read and design the information.
The attached photo is an example, but there are various trend information.
In other words, the source of information is important. This gives rise
to the keyword "feel new." We are proceeding with product design
work in this way. This allows for a better design. We strive to design
products that are efficient and always feel new and beautiful. .. ..